When you prioritize self-care, you will disappoint some people.
In some cases, self-care means doing what you don’t feel like doing in the present moment to benefit future you. Your personal boundaries may scare some people away, but that’s ok. Let them go. Don’t neglect your needs, trying to take care of someone else. You don’t owe anyone your time, a quick text, or emotional support when you need to be giving it to yourself first. |
Taking care of someone else's needs and neglecting your own may seem like it comes from a place of love, but giving from an empty cup only leads to resentment in the long run.
In some cases, self-care means letting go of relationships, habits, and old ways of doing that no longer serve you. Good self-care means being honest with yourself, especially when the truth is hard to admit. Self-care is often hard to do, when you need it most. |